People to Thank

Thank you to those who has supported me and continue to do so.

Family. Friends. Doctors and Nurses that show they care. That's right, not everyone does.

I've always said that you can clearly see and hear the difference between a doctor that got the education and the job for money and those who did it all because they want to help people.

A good example is the time I went to the doctor 2 or 3 years ago and I described the pain I had in my chest and he wrote something down on a yellow post-it and said "Go home and google this". No more questions and answers. Brushed me off and I went home to google.

Another one is the nurse on the phone that sighed loudly and said "wait a minuteee" and put me over to someone else after already put me on hold twice. This was the day my first sick note ran out and I needed a new one. You can read more about this under "The Sick notes".

There's also a saying "It's in times like this you dicover who your real friends are". Sadly, this is true. Ontop of everything else that is happening,  this is also a hard thing to accept. Specially when you really care about someone, but when something like this happens (which you obviously would have been without if you had any  choice!!!), you have to face the harsh reality that someone decides to drop you out of their lives. The headaches causes alot of "Too painful to care at the moment", but it doesnt stop you from thinking about it. Specially when you're struggling to find things or hobbies that you're able to do.

I'm lucky enough to have a Boyfriend who is very understanding and cares about how I feel. He understands that I'm sad seeing the real face of the people around me, appreciate my friends as much as I do and the way he feels about me didnt change at all when he came home from work that day and I told him it has come back. He might have gotten a little more protective of what I do and how I feel, but I've never been very good at listening to my body, so someone has to. It was heartbreaking seeing his face, but it will all be fine once this is over and I keep reminding him of how amazing he is. If I put myself in his shoes, I cant imagine how it would feel for him to hear this and seeing me from day to day when thing are really bad. I cant put words on how supportive he has been and how much he means to me.

For those who decided to stay and nothing has changed (because it really hasnt. I'm still the same person, just with way less energy and at the moment cant really do anything else than wait), you are truly amazing <3 Thank you for seeing this as an "obstacle to get over in life before it moves on and everything goes back to how it used to be". I cant put it in words how much I appreciate having you there knowing that you support me when things get rough around the edges. You are golden <3


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