
Four weeks has gone by

Yesterday it was four weeks since the surgery. Four very confusing, tough, happy and sad weeks. And for the first time since my surgery, I'm all alone. While its still pretty fresh in mind, I want to try to get this down before it goes cloudy in my head. This time was better than the last time in many ways, but being stubborn doesnt make things easy for anyone. If I havent said this before, I say this as some sort of warning - I blabber alot. I also tend to describe things too much sometimes which takes it longer to "get to the point". Skim through the blabbering if you dont want the whole picture as if you're in the room :) The day of the surgery I was scheduled for my appointment at 11:30 Thursday the 17th of October. I hate being late, so we were there at 11:00 and one of my friends were already sitting inside next to the check-ins waiting for us - with a present in a shiny bag. She and my boyfriend has taken the day off to come with me which I appreciate ...

It's been a while..

It's been a long time since I last wrote. A few months back, I mentioned that there was quite a few friends and family that didnt know about my condition. I've now spent the summer and till now to tell family and the friends closest to me. It's been good and bad reactions in many ways. Some responded with sadness while others have responded with offering help in ways I could just dream of and alot of encouragement. Tomorrow is the day I've been both looking forward to and the day I didnt want to come. I didnt want it to come because of the experience I had with the last surgery. But now its here and the 7 months it has taken since I first got on sick leave has both gone fast and very very slow. The first 3 months was a nightmare, the time after I got the hormone pills made it a slightly "smoother" ride. More like a country road (take me hoooome!!) with smaller potholes. Am I nervous? Of course I am. There's alot of "what if's". "Wh...

The Melon

I've previously mentioned that I would try my best to describe the way the headaches feel. This was hard and it took me a while to come up with how to describe it. So rather than finding words for it, I made a little video that best describes the stabbing pain. The only thing I was unable to do, was twist the knife. This poor melon did a good job helping out. I drew eyes and a mouth on the melon to show whereabout the pain is. About temple height above the ear. So this is how it is. It doesnt happen only once or twice, but it keeps stabbing upto 10 times before it calms down. Then I'm left with a lingering feeling similar to when you hit your toe on the foot of the kitchen table. Then it starts again after a while. I sometimes fall asleep after a few times since I get exhausted. It still continues when I wake up.

Location and what it does

I got this information from visiting Had a good read and figured I could share their page and some of the information I found there. Where is the pituitary gland located and what does it do? There is a pea-sized structure at the base of the brain called the pituitary gland. It doesn’t look like much and it could be easy to overlook, but don’t underestimate the power of the pituitary gland. Small, yet mighty, this “master endocrine gland” is part of the endocrine system and produces critical hormones that affect a whole host of functions in the body. Hormones made by the pituitary help control growth, blood pressure, certain functions of the sex organs, thyroid glands and metabolism as well as some aspects of pregnancy, childbirth, nursing, water/salt concentration and the kidneys, temperature regulation and pain relief. Pituitary adenomas are non-cancerous (benign), usually slow-growing tumors that develop on the pituitary gla...

What it feels like

Restricted and lonely. I've tried to do anything that I've come up with and that I would like to do if "I had alot of time on my hands". A day on the couch just listening to music, just sit down and read a book (or continue the ones I've started), cooking and baking for a whole day, tidy up my apartment to a satisfactory level, watch all the movies I still havent watched (no, it did not keep me from seeing Avengers: Endgame, but it did give me a massive headache so it was good we watched it at 11 at night), watch all those series people keep telling me to watch, learn to iron clothes (which I've tried twice. I'm not very good at it), write a blog (its currently 5th of May and its a month since I created the wordpress page). I've tried all of these and cooking was the only thing I could do for longer than 30 minutes except from watching Endgame. I've listened to music for the first time in 2 months and it gave me a stabbing headache after 10 minute...

People to Thank

Thank you to those who has supported me and continue to do so. Family. Friends. Doctors and N urses that show they care. That's right, not everyone does. I've always said that you can clearly see and hear the difference between a doctor that got the education and the job for money and those who did it all because they want to help people. A good example is the time I went to the doctor 2 or 3 years ago and I described the pain I had in my chest and he wrote something down on a yellow post-it and said "Go home and google this". No more questions and answers. Brushed me off and I went home to google. Another one is the nurse on the phone that sighed loudly and said "wait a minuteee" and put me over to someone else after already put me on hold twice. This was the day my first sick note ran out and I needed a new one. You can read more about this under "The Sick notes". There's also a saying "It's in times like this you dicover...

The weeks after the surgery

For the weeks after I got out of the hospital, I went to my grandparents since it was the best solution at the time. I also knew it would be the most quiet place to be for the time being. The car ride was... not amazing. I had to keep laying down since everything else but having my head in that position either made me throw up, really dizzy or the pain got worse. Saying that, I'm also stubborn and want to do things my way. In the car, my Grandfather put the passenger seat in the front down so I could be laying down. Grandma sat in the back watching over me. It was a 2 hour drive, but to be honest, it didnt feel that long. When we came to the town where I was going spend the next few weeks, Grandma had to go to the store, and of course I thought it sounded like a good idea to come with her inside. Specially looking like the grey skinned zombie that havent showered for over a week. Just a reminder; Mom helped me clean myself while laying in the hospital bed, so I didnt reek or sm...